Saturday, November 15, 2014

Have you updated your phone? Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Do you have issues with your connection?

I came across this video and realized that if we don't make an effort to balance our lives, technology can be a strong factor that divides the world forever.
Technology has made some parts of life a lot easier for the world, thanks to airplanes we don't need to sail or ride our way from point A to B unless we wish to, but our planet is so polluted it has now created an imbalance in our ecosystem. Thanks to mechanized agriculture we have abundance in food, but now more than ever before we have the highest rates of obesity and disease. 
It seems that instead of making technology a part of our lives, we have made it our life. 

The Project: You don't need to delete your social networks or destroy your phones, the message is simple, be balanced, be mindful, be present, be here. :)


  1. Thanks for sharing! Love that video <3

    1. If we can all contribute a little bit we can truly make a difference in the world.
      Thank for you reading! =)

  2. Awesome video!! Maybe we could all stand to spend a little less time staring at our screens and tske a gid look at those around us.

    1. I completely agree with you! Thank you for reading! =)

  3. Agree with the video, the social connections people experience today are more superficial and disconnected than previous generations, let's see what happens in the next few years since history often repeats itself...

    1. Yea I agree, we will see what's to come. Thank you for reading! =)

  4. Thank you for sharing this video and spreading the awareness.

    1. It's my pleasure! Thank You for reading and supporting! =)
