Saturday, June 20, 2015

Interview for Business For Home with Deniz Felix

How did you discover the industry of Direct Sales?
My career started while I was working at Lutheran Medical Center in New York. It was tough because I was working 12 hour shifts just to get by. I had terrible relationships with people and pretty much was depressed all the time. I definitely wanted a change but didn't know where to start.
Did personal development play an important part in your success?
Prior to this industry I wasn't aware of the importance of personal development when it came to success. It wasn't until I met my mentor and sat through one of his personal development / leadership trainings that it opened my eyes to how great a human being can be.
Going through the growth and personal development definitely helped my business because not only was I showing people how to make money so I could make money but I truly and genuinely fell in love with people and the vision of making this world a better place. 
Are you a massive recruiter or are you more selective who to partner with?
My strength is helping people get results quickly and duplicating that effect, I believe people come into this industry to see results and even though they will not become wealthy overnight, they can begin to get a glimpse of what the future holds for them in their first couple of weeks, days or even hours through plugging them into the system and getting them results right away.
What are the biggest reasons that you attribute the success that you, and your team have had in NuViza?
I always say I will consider myself truly successful when those around me have the lifestyle they've dreamed of. Everything our team has accomplished is because of the hard work of every single person in our organization and the great support support system Nuviza has in place for everyone.
What was your biggest challenge to build up a team?
In the beginning, I thought that you needed the nicer things to attract people. But my mentor showed me how the first thing people fall in love with is not the company or the products, it was me. That meant to me that I needed to give them something good to fall in love with. So I decided to start working on myself because if I wanted powerful team players it had to start with me. 
How has your life changed through your success in the industry?
It has become better in every aspect. Financially, socially and personally. I have amazing people around me, a partner that loves me, and a community that trusts me — along with all the other perks like being able to travel around the world. Even though my family lives on the other side of the country I'm able to spend time with them often. But, I would say the most important thing is that I am happy.

Who are your mentors? Do you have a mentor, do you think a mentor is important?
My first mentor in this industry was Alexander Evaji, when I first met him I just fell in love with his philosophy of "when you help others get what they want, you will get what you want" and "showing the world how great a human being can be". Alex has played a very important role in my life as he has become a living role model for me to follow, I knew that by sticking to someone with an unshakeable spirit I would learn to emulate that.
What is the key to duplication and building leaders?
Through my years of building teams I've learned the fastest way to duplicate a leader is to (1) lead by example and (2) do it with them in the beginning. First, I do and you watch, then you do and I watch, then you do. Every person is different and has a different learning curve so for me it's crucial to stick to these steps while providing the right information. I didn't want to limit myself so I would network and train potential leaders from all walks of life and it's what allowed me to expand to other areas (Indonesia, Latin America, Russia, India, Africa, Australia, Asia).
Did you start from scratch building up your team?
Yes, the most interesting thing to me is when I found this industry, the whole focus was on “Organic” growth. Every person was trained from scratch, helped, coached, myself included.
This is the foundation to a very solid system and even today drives our business. I fell in love with the philosophy of the founder because I could see he was focused on the long term, truly changing the way the industry builds, and changing the world through taking care of everyone in the process.
What are your plans for your future? What are your plans and goals for the future?
On a personal level, I would like to open hospitals in countries to help those in need. I think it’s one of the ways I can share my success with the world. I actually started a blog I call “Life without limits” to share my experiences with anyone who is looking to see what this industry can do for them and help them in the process of creating their stories. 

Interview by Tina Williams